Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Vitamin D Therapy!

It was FINALLY sunny and warm enough to spend some time outside over the weekend :) We had a great weekend. Sydney and I went to dance on Saturday morning, then to a wedding shower for Wendy in the afternoon. We had a blast and it was great to see everyone! We're looking forward to a fun wedding next week :)

On Sunday, Brad ran the Cherry Blossom 10 Miler. We usually go spectate, but decided it was just too much this year. I couldn't figure out how to deal with Metro and a mile plus walk with 2 kids before sunrise. Connor's too small to sit in the stroller without his car seat, so I would have had to wear him in a carrier, carry his diaper bag, and try to keep Sydney with us. Just didn't seem workable. So we met Brad, Alex, and Colleen at a restaurant in Bethesda for brunch afterwards. Brad did great and ran his second fastest 10 mile race! Not too shabby!

Brad took Sydney out rollerskating. She kept falling on her bum, and even though it really hurt, she was determined to get back up, brush it off, and learn to "do it right." Those are her words, not ours :) Love her so much!

When she had enough skating, I took her out on her bike for a bit. She's' a LOT less timid on her bike now. Can't wait to take her somewhere flat where she can really ride, rather than our hilly neighborhood.

Silly selfie. You can only see the back of Connor's head :)

Getting pretty confident!

That hand must be mighty tasty! 

I tried to sit him up in his glider, but he's not quite ready. His hair has gotten so blonde - just like his sister!

I don't think Connor was too impressed.

I love this one. They absolutely adore each other.

Brad was teaching Sydney how to use a compass! She picked a compass out of the treasure chest at the dentist's office a few weeks ago, but it was a toy and didn't really work. So we bought her a real one and *tried* to teach her how to use it. We'll have to keep practicing. 

We went on a walk after dinner tonight. The weather was perfect and it was great to get outside!

We're all eagerly awaiting Laurie's visit this weekend! Can't wait for her to meet Connor. I think he's been saving up lots and lots of smiles and giggles :)

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