Tuesday, April 1, 2014


Spring may finally be here! It snowed and sleeted on Sunday, but was almost 70 today!!! What gives??? I'm not complaining, though! Sun and warmth does a lot to lift my mood. The snow in the parking lots is finally melted and parking at daycare / school isn't nearly as bad.

Connor had an AWFUL night Sunday night (and of course Brad was out of town for work). I was convinced he had another ear infection, but thankfully that's not the case. He was up 10 times between bedtime (8pm) and midnight and finally fell asleep from 12:30-2:30. But then he was up again until 5 and only slept till 6. He just couldn't settle and was whiny, but not all out crying, even though I was just holding him and trying to calm him. A sleep pattern like that is what has happened with both of his ear infections (same thing happened when Sydney had ear infections). I made an appointment with his doctor yesterday morning to have his ears checked just in case. Both ears looked ok, but he's super congested (which we obviously knew) and he keeps getting hives on his face, so must still have some underlying virus. Nothing we can do except continue doing what we're doing: saline, suction, humidifier, keeping his crib elevated, giving Tylenol if he's in pain or has a fever. Last night wasn't much better, but we at least slept from about 3:30-6:30. Fingers crossed tonight is better. I have a colleague with an 8 day old who is sleeping more!

Naptime while waiting for the doctor yesterday.

The car that Sydney made out of a tissue box and toilet paper roll :)

This morning when we dropped Connor at school. He responds so well to Sydney and she loves him so much. 

Good night all!

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