Thursday, April 17, 2014

Tooth Fairy

Sydney spent the day at Connor's school today. She was a little nervous at first, but by the time we got there and she saw all of the other kids, she happily picked out her "bin" for her backpack and coat (since she's not in a class and doesn't have a room or cubby), put her stuff in, and joined right in with the other kids. They were doing arts and crafts, so she jumped right in. It was almost snack time, so I said goodbye and headed to work. It was SOOOOOO much easier to have them both at the same school - I can't wait till June. It will cut probably 40 minutes each way out of my commute, between driving from school to school, parking, and walking in to each classroom. They said they'd call me if she was having any trouble today, but I never got a call (not that I expected to!). I had a meeting in Baltimore today, so Brad picked up the kids. Sydney ran in the door tonight holding a bag with her tooth in it!

Toothless grin! Well, not really toothless, since her adult tooth is already in. She's so excited!

Another goofy picture from daycare. His teachers love him so much and always comment on how happy he is :)

Can't wait to see what the tooth fairy brings! 

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