Monday, August 25, 2014


Last Friday there was a meet and greet at Sydney's new school. We all went over and got to meet her new teacher. She was the first kid in the class, so she got to choose her desk first. She got a good seat where she can see the Smartboard and teacher well. Her teacher seems REALLY nice and I think we're going to like her. She's great about communicating with parents, which eases a lot of my anxiety. I'm so used to the small private pre-school / Kindergarten environment and being able to see and talk to her teachers twice a day! This is a whole new ball game for all of us!

We all survived the first day! It was questionable for a while, but we did it! Sydney got up like a champ with her alarm clock this morning and came bounding down the stairs. I greeted her with a hug for my FIRST GRADER! I asked if she was excited and she said she was, but she was shaking because she was anxious. She pulled herself together, got her breakfast and got ready really quickly. Mornings have been a HUGE struggle with 2 kids - despite getting things ready the night before, it still takes HOURS to get out the door in the morning, so I was worried about being on time this morning. Especially since Brad's out of town at a sales meeting. But we did it! Even with time to spare for a few photos.

We had to sign her up for before and after school care at a daycare around the corner from our house. Not my first choice, but there aren't many options that bus to her elementary school that don't mean an extra hour of driving for me each day :( I'm so, so, so spoiled by Connor's school and Sydney's prior school. This daycare has a bus to take kids to and from school, though, so that's what we chose. With us both working full time, we just can't always be home when the county bus would pick her up / drop her off. I told her I'd stay with her this morning to see her off on the bus (partially for my own sanity). We got there about 15 minutes before the bus was supposed to leave, so she played with some of the kids there and Connor and I just hung out. When it was time, she grabbed her backpack, hopped on the bus, and waved good bye! I may or may not have shed a few tears...she was completely fine. She knew where to go once she got to school because of our visit on Friday.

I worked from home so I could be there when the bus got back this afternoon. School gets out at 3:05 and is only a mile or two from the daycare, so I headed over around 3. Turns out the bus also picks up kids from another school, so they didn't get back to the daycare until 4. I think they got delayed at Sydney's school because they were looking for a kid who only goes in the morning, so I hope it doesn't take that long every day. If it does, I'm afraid we'll have to figure something else out. I'm willing to chalk today up as the first day and everyone getting used to a new routine.

She said she liked her first day, but it was a little "boring," lol. I think there was a lot of listening to the rules, etc., and not as much "center" based, hands on instruction as she's used to. She did get to go to recess and they had a fire drill. She tripped during the fire drill and had to go to the nurses office to get bandaged up. Nothing a few band aids couldn't fix. She says tomorrow they get to go to the library and she's not sure when they have music class. She's the only one in her class who didn't do Kindergarten at this school last year, so she's still learning her way around. The other kids in her class seem very nice and willing to help her learn her way around.

I did get a really sweet email from her teacher. I emailed her this morning wishing her a good first day. She's awesome and wrote back during lunch.

Thank you for the well wishes to start off the day! Sydney is doing great and has already earned two “paw points” for kind acts. She lent a friend a crayon when they did not have one and one for helping a friend remember to use the quiet signal in a kind way! She is working hard and looks to be having a lot of fun too!

I hope she continues to be a good friend and hope she has a good and challenging year ahead! Fingers crossed that tomorrow goes smoothly as well!

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