Thursday, August 21, 2014

Catching Up!

I've really neglected this blog. Sorry! To say that life with 2 kids, 2 crazy work schedules, a terrible commute, kids activities, doctors appointments, getting ready for school has been "easy" would be a lie. We're always on the run and have very little down time. But I know that's a good problem to have. Let me try to catch up on what's been going on the past few months...

Connor turned 9 months old last week. He's crawling, pulling himself to standing, going through severe separation anxiety (from me), and eats EVERYTHING in sight despite not having any teeth yet. I can't put him down or he gets MAD. His favorite toys are his Little People farm and his dino ball popper. He's still happy most of the time, but we've regressed a little in the sleep department due to his newly found skill of sitting up from laying down and pulling himself up in the crib. There's too much to do that he doesn't want to lay down! He moves up to the next room at daycare next week and I think he's ready. There are more standing toys there (and mats so he can safely fall down) and they eat at their own tables. He's almost entirely feeding himself table foods at this point, so he's ready for that. He and I are still dairy, nut, and (obvious sources of) soy free - his doctor wants us to stay that way until a year, at which point 90% of kids typically outgrow their food intolerances. He's a little guy at 16lbs 13oz - 3rd percentile for weight. 28" or 25-50% for height. He's growing just fine, he's just small. He's also anemic (which could be part of the reason he's so small), so we're starting an iron supplement as well.

He loves riding the "bikes" at school!

Look at me! But now how do I get back down???

Terrible picture, but this was him saying good morning on the day he turned 9 months. Sydney goes in to get him in the mornings and he always sits up and smiles at her :)

He made us a zebra at daycare :)

We visited friends at the beach last weekend. He wore his Nittany Lion hat like a champ!

Sydney's doing extremely well. We've had a really busy summer and she's been at "camp" at Connor's school. It's a camp program for school age kids, so she's been with kids older than her and she's had a blast. I think it'll be a good transition for her from Kindergarten in a small private school setting to first grade in a public school setting. Speaking of which, she starts FIRST GRADE on Monday!!! Where in the world did the time go??? We get to go to a meet and greet on Friday. I'm excited and nervous all at the same time! She and I went shopping for her school supplies and she was excited to pick out her binder, notebook, etc. I think she's really going to do well.

She ran a 1K a few weeks ago when I did a 5K. She ran it by herself and had a blast! 

She wanted to read Connor a bedtime story and he was just ready for bed. 

We visited friends a few weeks ago and tried to get all of the kids in one picture. It was really hard to get them all to look at the same place, lol. Ages 5 months to almost 6 years. 

Sitting up and playing at daycare.

Connor meets the Nittany Lion for the first time. Sydney hadn't seen the lion since she was about Connor's age!

Hiding amongst the massive number of stuffed animals in Sydney's bed. 

Even the babies get waterplay at daycare!

Swimming with her new fins!

On a shell hunt. 

Unwinding after a long day at the beach / pool.

She wasn't tired...

Toes are yummy!

At the dive shop waiting for Brad to load his gear onto the boat.

The dive boat (and the machine gun that was salvaged from the U-352)

At lunch waiting for our condo to be ready.

Hope everyone is well and I'll try to do better about keeping this updated!

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