Saturday, May 17, 2014

Race Day!

Sydney ran a 1K race this morning and LOVED it! It was her first run "by herself" without either Brad or I running with her. She did great and was the second girl to finish!

We went to the DC United game tonight. The weather was perfect and we had a great time with friends and family of friends! 

Sydney and Arabelle were DC United ninjas :)

Connor has moved on to peas. He wasn't so sure about them the first night, but now likes them. 

Sydney chose his next food - carrots! We made him some yesterday and he LOVES them! I think we'll try either green beans or butternut squash next. We have to do a new food for at least 3 days, so it's kind of slow going at this point. He's done pretty well with food, though - I'm really glad we waited as long as we did. 

We'll have a short week next week - the kids and I are driving to Charlotte to visit with Jenny and Great Grandma - we're all really excited! I just hope the drive isn't too daunting and hope we don't hit too much traffic. I'm going to take a day off on either end of the long weekend to hopefully avoid some of it. 

We're also taking Sydney to her elementary school next week so she can participate in a Kindergarten class. That should start the process of early entrance to first grade in the fall. We had her teacher conferences last week and she's definitely ready. So we just need to figure out the logistics. Thank goodness we were connected with the principal who is working with us to make it an easy transition for us all.

Hope everyone is having a nice weekend!  

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