Tuesday, May 20, 2014

First Grade Bound (hopefully...)!

As part of the early entrance process, we took Sydney to her elementary school this morning so she could participate in both Kindergarten and first grade classes and have the teachers observe her both academically and socially. Though she was a bit shy at first, she was telling the Reading Coordinator all about her two lost teeth and favorite movie (Frozen) by the time they were halfway down the hallway (I stayed in the office while she went to the classrooms). We still have to formally apply (sometime this summer), so there are still no guarantees, but both of the teachers who observed her were recommending placement in first grade, so we'll see what happens. What matters, though, is that she was comfortable and had a good time. I'm so glad that she enjoys school and reading so much.

She loves reading so much that her teachers at her current school gave her a chapter book to borrow to read to herself. We've been reading it at bedtime and she just told me tonight that she's already read it cover to cover several times. That's my girl! We're driving to Charlotte later this week (yay!) and I bought her two of my favorite books from childhood (The Phantom Tollbooth and Bridge to Terabithia) in hopes that she'll want to read them to me and Connor as we drive.

She had soccer again tonight and is doing really well. She finally "gets" it and really goes after the ball. Her coach is the same as she had in the fall and he's really great with the kids. He doesn't take any crap from them, but teaches them skills and teamwork. I've been really happy with the soccer program in general, especially now that she's out of the youngest age bracket. We'll keep doing soccer through the summer and fall and will probably try gymnastics this summer possibly with a session of swimming sprinkled in there. Two activities is about the max we can handle with our schedule. Every single weekend is booked between now and almost October (crazy, huh?), so we have to do at least one activity during the week and that is HARD to do with a commute / Brad's travel schedule / 2 daycare / school pickups. One more month of them being in different school's, then we at least have a few weeks of having them together. That will simplify life immensely.

I love these tables at school. Connor LOVES to play with his friends. 

She was TIRED on the way to pick up Connor the other day! She insisted that she wasn't, but I beg to differ...

Swinging on a nice spring day!

First time in a "big boy" swing! He's ALWAYS smiling (except when he's angry and crying, that is).

It's going to be a very busy couple of weeks. We're going to Charlotte this week to visit Aunt Jenny and Grandma Speicher. Then we have Sydney's graduation from Kindergarten and dance recital. Thinking of how crazy it's going to be gives me anxiety, but we'll figure it out - it always works out somehow!!!

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