Thursday, March 27, 2014

Where is spring???

It snowed again this week. Seriously - it's almost April! Where is spring???

Connor's back at daycare this week - fingers crossed his ear is now clear and we're on the mend. He finally went back to mostly normal on Monday night and only woke twice to nurse, but went back down in his crib just fine. It's been hard for him to lay down because of his ear, so it must be a little more comfortable now. His teachers are also fabulous at getting him to nap, so 2 good naps at school on Monday really helped bedtime that night. Yesterday, he had a FOUR hour nap at school. Bedtime wasn't nearly as good - I think he was just hungry because he slept through the day! We may have to lay his crib flat again (it's elevated on one end to help with his reflux). He now manages to scoot himself sideways, which doesn't look very comfortable with the mattress on an incline!

One thing I love about Connor's school is that they use iPads to keep track of their daily activities and to take pictures and videos. At the end of each day, we get the daily reports emailed to us and pushed to an app on our phones. It's pretty slick and gives us a nice record of what's going on without having a bunch of paper piling up. This weeks theme in his class is "Flying Feathered Friends," i.e. birds. My least favorite thing! They do lots of art activities - this one was making a picture of a bird with feathers :) I think it's actually quite funny that they have a "lesson plan" in the infant room (they're all under 6 months old), but it's cute.

He doesn't look amused, does he?

Sunday was a rough day. Connor wouldn't sleep AT ALL and I was really tired and frustrated. My dear, sweet Sydney made me this picture, which instantly brought a smile to my face.

I think Connor's working on some teeth, but we can't feel anything yet. 

Sydney and I went to the dentist yesterday. She was excited to show them her wiggly teeth and adult teeth coming in behind them. Apparently my advice to leave the teeth alone was wrong and the dentist wants her to wiggle, wiggle, wiggle! Because her adult teeth are coming in behind the baby teeth, the baby teeth will probably need some help to come out. If they're not out in a few weeks, we'll have to go back to the dentist and have her help. 

This week is a dinosaur theme at Sydney's school. I love her Dinosaur Tale!

We got the first fish for the aquarium tonight! It has to stay in the quarantine tank for 30 days to make sure it's not sick, but we're excited to have it finally. We got a clown fish and Sydney named it Sarah :) 

Here's hoping that the weather warms up and that we can get outside to play a little this weekend. Or at least go for a walk! Swimming is over now and soccer starts in a few weeks, so we have our Sunday free again. Brad and I are going to see Pentatonix on Saturday night and are really looking forward to it! 

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